Dr. King and Labor: Connecting Past and Present

Dr. Martin Luther King’s role in the labor movement and current conversations on labor.

Join Northeastern Law's Centers for Excellence in viewing clips from the documentary “By the River I Stand” about Dr. King’s involvement in the organizing campaign for sanitation workers before his death. Additionally, we will discuss the convergence and divergence of stakeholders’ overlapping and competing interests and the legal realities incumbent in the organizing process. This conversation will include perspectives from panelists experienced in labor law, and voices from labor organizing, and others.

Ingrid Nava '03
Associate General Counsel, Service Emplovees International Union (SEIU)

Ryan Quinn '19
Associate Attorney, Segal Roitman; Adjunct Professor Law, Northeastern University School of Law

Karl Klare
George J. and Kathleen Waters Matthews Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Law, Northeastern University School of Law

Eli Hovland ’26
Graduate Employees of Northeastern University (GENU-UAW) Bargaining

Jan 22, 2025

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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