The annual Hernan Santa Cruz Dialogue Series, hosted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) brings together academics, civil society, economists, politicians, community leaders, students and others to identify barriers to implementing Economic, Social and Cultural rights, and approaches to operationalize these rights as a framework to address local and global challenges.
December 12, 2022 | 12:30 PM
For this final installment of the 2022 series, this conversation with diverse experts from across the Americas will explore the role that local governments can or should have in advancing economic policies that enhance and protect human rights. Although the human rights field traditionally focuses on the obligations of national governments, subnational governments have a critical role in terms of the respect, protection, and fulfillment of economic, social, and cultural rights.
The 2022 series is jointly convened by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN OHCHR); the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands; the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE); the Human Rights Center at the University of Minnesota, USA; the University for Peace, Costa Rica; Macquarie Law School, Australia and the International Law Training and Research Hub at the University of Tokyo, Japan, Northeastern Law’s Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.
Dec 12, 2022
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm