01.14.21 — Professor Claudia Haupt has been named the law school’s Center for Health Policy and Law faculty fellow for the current academic year. Haupt’s research is situated at the intersection of the First Amendment, health law and torts in the context of professional speech. As faculty fellow, she is exploring this question: How should the First Amendment treat experts in public discourse who are giving advice?

“During the coronavirus pandemic, reliable health advice has been in high demand. As health experts started disseminating advice to the public, some of this advice aligned with scientific insights, some did not. But the law does not proscribe bad advice outside of the professional-client or doctor-patient relationship,” explained Haupt. “In ordinary times, this perhaps reflects an appropriate tradeoff between expertise and freedom of speech. But the value of this tradeoff is significantly strained when the stakes of advice-giving are exceptionally high. This project investigates the interplay of speech, harm and expertise to expose the weaknesses of the ordinary doctrinal framework, and illustrates how the normative balance may shift when the stakes of advice-giving are particularly high.”

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For more information, contact d.feldman@northeastern.edu.