Search Results for 家庭关系的情感维护【】√转ihbwel冷Dil
Search Results for 家庭关系的情感维护【】√转ihbwel冷Dil
Northeastern Law’s NuLawLab Co-Launches First Legal Design Journal
To harness the words and power of legal design, which applies design methods to make our legal systems more user-friendly and effective, Northeastern Law’s NuLawLab has joined with organizers from four continents, 11 countries, 16 academic institutions, 15 organizations and countless perspectives to launch the Legal Design Journal, the first online academic journal dedicated to the world of legal design.
Northeastern Tops preLaw’s Health Law and Human Rights Rankings
In both health law and human rights, Northeastern University School of Law has been recognized with an A+ grade in the 2020 “back to school” issue of preLaw magazine.
PHRGE Marks World Water Day with Release of New Report
To mark World Water Day on Friday, March 22, 2019, the Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy has released a new publication, The Human Right to Water: Using Freedom of Information Laws to Understand Rising Water Rates.