Information for Partner Organizations

LSSC: Information for Partner Organizations

The Legal Skills in Social Context (LSSC) Social Justice Program plays a critical role in Northeastern Law’s commitment to experiential learning and community partnerships.

Students in the program use their analytical research and writing skills to address social justice challenges identified by a wide range of community organizations and agencies. The program can benefit your organization by pursuing aspects of your social justice agenda that you might otherwise forgo due to staffing or resource constraints.

If selected as an LSSC project, the research will be closely supervised by faculty members with specialized knowledge in the subject area. You benefit from the energy and acumen of upper-level law student lawyering fellows and approximately 15 first-year law students. Above all, you will contribute to the legal education of future lawyers by participating in this effort and by introducing the students to the grit and spirit of social justice lawyering.

If you have a project idea that you would like to discuss further, please feel free to reach out to Professor Margaret Hahn-DuPont, LSSC program administrator, at .

The partner organization plays an important role in the learning experience for Northeastern Law students, and the LSSC faculty will help set the appropriate scale and scope of the project. A representative of your organization will be expected to meet with students (in-person or virtually) at various points throughout the academic year and to respond to questions from the team as needed. The projects culminate in a multi-media oral presentation to the partner organization and law school community.

LSSC Employer Information Sheets


Please contact Professor Margaret Hahn-PuPont at


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