Brook K. Baker
Professor of Law Emeritus
Northeastern University, JD 1976
Professor Brook Baker joined Northeastern Law’s tenure-track faculty in 1989; after directing the law schools’s Legal Practice Program, he taught Global AIDS policy and human rights, intellectual property or access to medicines, disability discrimination and negotiation until his retirement in 2024. He also taught and consulted in South African law schools and law school clinics between 1997-2012. Professor Baker was an honorary research fellow at the University of KwaZulu Natal in Durban, South Africa.
As a senior policy analyst for Health GAP (Global Access Project), Professor Baker has been and continues to be actively engaged in campaigns for universal access to treatment, prevention, and care for people living with HIV/AIDS, especially expanded and improved medical treatment. More recently he has been working on accelerating research on and equitable global access to vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. He has written and consulted extensively on intellectual property rights, trade, investor-state dispute settlement, access to medicines, and medicines regulatory policy, including with the African Union, NEPAD, South Africa, Uganda, ASEAN, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, Venezuela, CARICOM, UK DfID, the World Health Organization, the Millennium Development Goals Project, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Open Society Foundation, UNAIDS, UNDP, Unitaid, the Medicines Patent Pool, the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, and others. He has served as a key, alternative board member and board member of the NGO delegation to Unitaid, which acts to improve market dynamics and early market entry of medicines and diagnostics needed to address HIV/AIDS, TB, Hepatitis C, malaria, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and pandemic preparedness and response. He was a civil society representative to the Therapeutics Pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator and an member of its Diagnostics and Therapeutics working group..
Professor Baker has also worked on policy issues concerning the Global Fund and the US PEPFAR Program, and how those priority disease initiatives might contribute more broadly to improving health care delivery in developing countries. Finally, he analyzes resource needs for global health, innovative financing mechanisms and IMF macroeconomic policies that restrict increased government and donor spending on health and education in developing countries.
Post-retirement, Professor Baker intends to continue his access to medicines work. In 2024, he was elected to join the Lancet Commission on Essential Medicines Policies. Over the next two years, the commission will produce a ten-year update of the report of the previous commission, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first WHO Model List of Essential Medicines in October 2027.
Fields of Expertise
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Clinical Legal Education
- Cooperative Legal Education
- Health Law and Policy
- Human Rights
- International Intellectual Property
- International Trade
- Medical Issues
Selected Works
- “MPP COVID-19 Antiviral Medicines Licenses – Licensed Territories, Supply Options for Excluded Territories, and Supply Barriers Arising from Trade-Secret Transfer,” Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series 106. (2023) (co-author).
- “A Medical Countermeasures Platform for Future Pandemics: Essential Elements for Equity,” Lancet Global Health (forthcoming, 2023) (co-author).
- “Calls for Transparency in Pandemic Accord Talks,” The Lancet (April 15, 2023).
- “From Business as Usual to Health for the Future: Challenging the Intellectual Property Regime to Address COVID-19 and Future Pandemics,” 41 Boston University International Law Journal 1 (2023) (co-author).
- “Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Beyond the WHO’s Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator” 8 BMJ Global Health Journal (January 2023) (co-author).
- “A Pandemic Treaty for Equitable Global Access to Medical Countermeasures: Seven Recommendations for Sharing Intellectual Property, Know-how and Technology,” 7 BMJ Journal (July 2022) (co-author).
- “TRIPS-Compliant Alternatives for Overcoming Intellectual Property Barriers to COVID-19 Countermeasures,” PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series No. 76 (2022)
- “Hamstringing the Health Technology Response to Covid-19: The Burdens of Exclusivity and Policy Solutions,” 13 Northeastern University Law Review 409 (2021).
- “A Full Description of WTO TRIPS Flexibilities Available to ARIPO Member States and Critique Of ARIPO’s Comparative Study Analyzing and Making Recommendations Concerning Those Flexibilities,” 1-41 (March 5, 2019).
- “Trump Grabs Women’s Uteruses at Home and Abroad,” Health GAP Blog (February 25, 2019).
- “A Sliver of Hope: Analyzing Voluntary Licenses to Accelerate Affordable Access to Medicines,” 10 Northeastern University Law Review 226 (2018).
- “The Incredible Shrinking Victory: Eli Lilly v. Canada, Success, Judicial Reversal, and Continuing Threats from Pharmaceutical ISDS,” 49 Loyola Chicago Law Journal 479 (2017) (co-author).
- “Data Exclusivity Exceptions and Compulsory Licensing to Promote Generic Medicines in the European Union: A Proposal for Greater Coherence in European Pharmaceutical Legislation,”Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2017) (co-author).
- “Amicus Curiae Submission Eli Lilly and Company v. The Government of Canada,” UNCITRAL, ICSID Case No. UNCT/14/2 (June 8, 2016) (with others).
- “Eli Lilly’s ISDS Patent Claim Against Canada Defeated,”Madhyam (April 6, 2017).
- “The Battle for Access to Medicines for All,” The Lancet (January 28, 2017).
- “Durban Reflections #1: The Threat of Big Pharma’s Monopoly Unbound,” Health Gap (July 21, 2016).
- “Risky Medicine: Why FDI in India’s Generic Drugs Industry Could be a Bad Idea,” The Wire (July 20, 2016).
- “Why is it so difficult to understand whether medicines are under patent and when patent monopolies actually expire?” Patent Barriers to Medicine Access in South Africa: A Case for Patent Law Reform, 13-14 (Fix the Patent Laws Campaign 2016).
- “ISDS, Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health,” in Rethinking Bilateral Investment Treaties: Critical Issues and Policy Choices, ed. K. Singh et al. (Both ENDS, 2016) (co-author).
- “US’s Newest IP Gunship Diplomacy in Colombia – Same Threats with Dollars not Bullets,” Health Gap (May 13, 2016).
- “Trans-Pacific Partnership Provisions in Intellectual Property, Transparency, and Investment Chapters Threaten Access to Medicines in the US and Elsewhere,”PLoS Medicine (March 2016).
- “International Collaboration on IP and Access to Medicines: The Birth of the S. Africa Fix the Patents Law Campaign,” 60 New York Law School Review 309 (2015-2016).
- “Corporate Power Unbound: Investor-State Arbitration of IP Monopolies on Medicines – Eli Lilly v. Canada and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,” 23 Journal of Intellectual Property Law 1 (2015) (co-author).
- “TPP = Transnational Pharmaceutical Profiteering: Big Pharma’s Monopolies Strengthen and Multiply in Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreements,” 303 Third World Resurgence 24 (2015).
- “Evolving Human Rights and the Science of Antiretroviral Medicine,” 11 Health and Human Rights Journal 76 (2015) (co-authored).
- “Will the Modi government succumb to US and industry pressure to modify its pro-access pharmaceutical patent policy?” 25 Expert Opinon on Theraputic Patents 625 (2015).
- “Justifying India’s Patent Position to the United States International Trade Commission and Office of the United States Trade Representative,” 7 Indian Intellectual Property Law Journal 1 (2014-2015) (co-author).
- “Treating More for Less? A Discussion Paper Exploring the Patent Status, Registration and Price of Select HIV Medicines in Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” United Nations Developement Program (UNDP) (commissioned 2014) (co-author).
- Comment: “Governance and Transparency at PEPFAR,” 2 Lancet Global Health e13-14 (2014) (co-author).
- “Threat of Pharmaceutical-Related IP Investment Rights in the TPP: An Eli Lilly v. Canada Case Study,” 4 Investment Treaty News 8 (2013).
- “Empowering patients and strengthening communities for real health workforce and funding targets,” 91 WHO Bulletin Roundtable Paper 889 (2013).
- “Corporate Power Unbound: Investor-State Arbitration of IP Monopolies on Medicines – Eli Lilly and the TPP,”PIPIJ Research Paper Series, Paper 36 (2013).
- “Achieving Social Justice in the Intellectual Property Debate: Realising the Goal of Access to Medicines,” 13 Africa Human Rights Law Journal 57 (2013) (co-author).
- “Public Interest Analysis of US TPP Proposal for an IP Chapter,” 28 American University International Law Review 105 (2013) (co-author; principal author Part III).
- “Settlement of India/EU WTO Dispute re Seizures of In-Transit Medicines: Why the Proposed EU Border Regulation Isn’t Good Enough,”PIJIP Research Paper Series. American University Washington College of Law (2012) (co-author).
- “Practice-Based Learning: Emphasizing Practice and Offering Critical Perspectives on the Dangers of ‘Co-Op’tation,” 56 New York Law School Law Review 619 (2011-2012).
- “The Evolution of IPRs from Humble Beginnings to the Modern Day TRIPS-plus Era: Implications for Treatment Access,” UNDP/UNAIDS Global Commission on HIV and the Law (June 2011) (co-author).
- “Efficiencies in AIDS Programming: The Rhetoric and the Realities,” 58 JAIDS 228 (2011) (co-author).
- “ACTA: Risks of Third-Party Enforcement to Access to Medicines,” 26 American University International Law Review 579 (2011).
- “Background Paper: Laws and Practices that Facilitate or Impede HIV-Related Treatment Access,” UNDP/UNAIDS Global Commission on HIV and the Law (Sept. 2010) (co-author).
- “The Impact of the International Monetary Fund’s Macroeconomic Policies on the AIDS Pandemic,” 40 International Journal of Health Services 347 (2010).
- “Obstacles and Opportunities to Improve Antiretroviral Regimen Access in Low-Income Countries,” 7 Current HIV/AIDS Reports 161 (2010) (co-author).
- “Using Global Health Initiatives to Strengthen Health Systems: A Civil Society Perspective,” 6 Global Public Health 687 (2010) (co-author).
- “Viewpoint – The Danger of Drug Donations (In-Kind Contributions) to the Global Fund – Adverse Market and Therapeutic Effects,” 373 Lancet 1218 (2009) (co-author).
- “Ending Drug Registration Apartheid – Taming Data Exclusivity and Patent/Registration Linkage,” 34 American Journal of Law & Medicine 303 (2008)
- “The ‘Diagonal’ Approach to Global Fund Financing: A Cure for the Broader Malaise of Health Systems?” 4 Globalization & Health 6 (2008) (co-author).
- “Drug Registration Barriers and Logjams,” in Missing the Target #5: Improving AIDS Drug Access and Advancing Health Care for All, 49 ITPC (Dec. 2007).
- “Price-Cut Handcuffs: Thailand Must Stand Up to Merck’s Counteroffensive and Fully Implement Its Compulsory License on Efavirenz,” 196 Third World Resurgence (Dec. 2006).
- “Pills Without Providers: Where are the Health Workers?” 15 ACRIA Update 4 (2006).
- “Arthritic Flexibilities for Accessing Medicines, Analysis of WTO Action Regarding Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health,” 14 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 613 (May 2004).
- “Processes and Issues for Improving Access to Medicines: Willingness and Ability to Utilize TRIPS Flexibilities in Non-Producing Countries,”United Kingdom Department for International Development, Health Systems Resource Centre, (September 2004).
- “Working Paper: Analysis and Response to Recent WTO Action Regarding TRIPS Agreement and Public Health,” United Nations Millennium Development Goals Project, Task Force 5: Infectious Diseases and Access to Essential Medicines (Dec. 2003).
- “Teaching Legal Skills in South Africa: A Transition from Cross-Cultural Collaboration to International HIV/AIDS Solidarity,” 9 Journal of Legal Writing Instruction 145 (2003).
- “Covid-19’s Silver Lining? The WHO mRNA Technology Transfer Programme for the Global South Overcoming Intellectual Property Barriers is central to the South-South Innovation and Access Goals of the WHO mRNA Technology Transfer Programme.” In Pandemics and the Illumination of Hidden Things: Lessons from South Africa on the Global response to Covid-19 (Health Justice Initiative, 2023).
- “Human Rights to Health, Medicines, and the Fruits of Scientific Research in the Pre-Access Stage.” In A Human-Centered Approach to Health Innovations: Reconciling Intellectual Property with Human Rights ( eds. L. Biersay et al. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).
- “Access to Medicines Activism: Collaboration, Conflicts, and Complementarities.” In Intellectual Property Law and the Right to Health: A History of TRIPs and Access to Medicine, eds. S. Ragavan and A. Vanni (Routledge, 2021).
- “Campaigning for Both Innovation and Equitable Access to COVID-19 Medicines.” In COVID-19 and Human Rights, eds. M. Kjaerum et al. (Routledge, 2021).
“Campaigning for Both Innovation and Equitable Access To COVID-19 Medicines.” In Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic While Protecting Human Rights, eds. M. Kjaerum et al. (Routledge 2021).
- “Debunking IP-for-Development: Africa Needs IP Space Not IP Shackles.” In International Economic Law and African Development, ed. L. Boulle et. al (Siber Ink 2014).
- “Placing Access to Essential Medicine on the Human Rights Agenda.” In The Power of Pills: Social, Ethical and Legal Issues in Drug Development, Marketing and Pricing, ed. C. Cohen et. al (Pluto Press, 2006).
- “Inside the Push to Make Intellectual Property Work for African Pharma,” Devex (April 8, 2024).
- “WTO Proposal for Covid Diagnostics and Therapeutics Waiver is Abandoned,” STAT (March 30, 2024).
- “There’s Only One Syphilis Medication for Pregnant People. And the Supply Is Running Out. What Can the Government Do To Help?,” Northeastern Global News (March 22, 2024).
- “Extension of COVID-19 Vaccine Waiver Uncertain After WTO Conference,” Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review (March 7, 2024).
- “The Underutilization of Paxlovid,” NU Sci (February 28, 2024).
- “Pandemic Accord Hoax Highlights Blatant Hypocrisy of US and EU Approach to Big Pharma,” The People’s Vaccine (February 14, 2024).
- “WTO Appears Close To Rejecting a Proposed Waiver on Patents for COVID Diagnostics and Therapies,” Pharmalot (January 31, 2024).
- “Using Digital Technologies To Diagnose in the Home: Recommendations From a Delphi Panel,” NPJ Digital Medicine (January 22, 2024).
- “South Africa, Colombia and Others Are Fighting Drugmakers Over Access to TB and HIV Drugs,” Associated Press (November 24, 2023).
- “USITC Report Confirms Inadequacy of Voluntary License, Tier Pricing, International initiatives to Support Access in Developing Countries, Third World Network Information Service,” Third World Network (November 1, 2023).
- “Key highlights in the USITC Report: Supports Extension of the 17th June Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement to COVID 19 Diagnostics and Therapeutics,” Third World Network (October 26, 2023).
- “Unmet Need for Paxlovid in Low- and Middle-Income Countries during COVID-19 Emergency,” Public Citizen (October 17, 2023).
- “Building a Bridge to Nowhere: Promoting Local Production without Addressing Intellectual Property,” UNITAID NGO Delegation Report (October 2023).
- “Health Activists Reveal Big Pharma’s COVID-19 Vaccine Heist in South Africa.” Peoples Dispatch (September 7, 2023).
- “Big Pharma ‘Bullying’ Exposed in South African COVID-19 Contracts,” devex (September 7, 2023).
- “Covid-19 Contracts Reveal That Big Pharma ‘Bullied’ SA While Securing Vaccines Worth $734m – NGO,” Daily Maverick (September 5, 2023).
- “iiV Healthcare and Doctors Without Borders Tussle Over Contract Terms for an HIV Drug,” STAT (August 17, 2023).
- “A Way Forward for Equitable Pharmaceutical Access After COVID-19,” Boston University Global Development Policy (GDP) Center Bkig (May 24, 2023).
- “Medical Countermeasures Platform will be Pitched to Countries Next Week. Inadequate Consultations, Squeamish about IP, Activists Say,” Geneva Health Files (May 19, 2023).
- “Indonesia Should Reject New IP Monopoly Protections for Medicines,” The Jakarta Post (May 18, 2023).
- “Fear-Mongering on Threatened Incentives to Innovation Dominate US-ITC Hearings, Activists Pick Apart Narratives,” Geneva Health Files (May 5, 2023).
- “European Union Drug Pricing Proposal for the Pandemic Treaty Generates Pushback,” STAT (March 31, 2023).
- “Abortion Pill, Vaccine Attacks Spell Trouble for FDA Approvals,” Bloomberg Law (March 2, 2023).
- “Angry at Vertex Pricing of Cystic Fibrosis Drugs, Families in Four Countries Seek To Override Patents,” STAT (February 7, 2023).
- “Amid Rising Covid Fears, Wait For Patent Waiver On Meds Continues,”
- “Gates Foundation to Increase Funding to $8.3 Billion This Year,” The Chronicle of Philanthropy (January 17, 2023).
- “The Pandemic Exposed Global Gaps in Access to Medicines. Can a Contentious Approach to Close Them Gain Traction?,” STAT (January 5, 2023).
- “The Pandemic Exposed Global Gaps in Access to Medicines. Can a Contentious Approach to Close Them Gain Traction?,” STAT (January 5, 2023).
- “Amid Rising Covid Fears, Wait For Patent Waiver On Meds Continues,” Times Special (December 26, 2022).
- “Biden’s Omicron Booster Campaign Faces Fatigue, Efficacy Doubts,” Bloomberg Law (September 8, 2022).
- “Territorial and Indirect Territorial Coverage of ViiV/MPP CAB-LA License,” infojustice (August 8, 2022).
- Webinar: “Covid-19 Vaccine and Treatment Equity post-TRIPS Waiver,” (July 27, 2022).
- “Pharma and Patient Advocates Offer Competing Visions for Achieving Vaccine Equity During Pandemics,” STAT (July 19, 2022).
- Webinar: “TRIPS Waiver Decision Explained, COVID Advocates Advisory Board,” (July 11, 2022).
- “TRIPS-Compliant Alternatives for Overcoming Intellectual Property Barriers to COVID-19 Countermeasures,” PIJIP Blog (June 30, 2022).
- “The Spectacular Failure of the WTO To Fight Covid,” In These Times (June 23, 2022).
- “Time to Walk Away from the WTO Proposed Text,” Health GAP (June 9, 2022).
- “WHO to Share Vaccines to Stop Monkeypox Amid Inequity Fears,” US News (June 15, 2022).
- “As Poor Nations Seek Covid Pills, Officials Fear Repeat of AIDS Crisis,” The New York Times (May 16, 2022).
- “Pfizer Allegedly Pressured UNICEF to Keep Secret, Pricing for Anti-Viral Treatment Paxlovid. UNICEF Yielded,” Geneva Health Files (April 26, 2022).
- “Congressional Delays Could Undermine COVID-19 Global Fight,” National Journal (April 20, 2022).
- “Covid Booster Costs Spur Calls to Shift From Free Jabs for All,” Bloomberg Law (April 11, 2022).
- “Possible Compromise Reached On Potential TRIPS Waiver For COVID Vaccines,” The Organization for World Peace (April 11, 2022).
- “How President Biden Can Expand Global COVID-19 Test-To-Treat,” Health Affairs (April 6, 2022).
- “African Clinical Trial Denied Access to Key COVID Drug Paxlovid,” Nature (April 4, 2022).
- “While We Line Up for a Fourth Shot, the World’s Poor Haven’t Gotten Their First,” LA Times (April 3, 2022).
- “Rich Countries are Getting the New COVID Vaccine First,”Brook Baker, Salon (March 25, 2022).
- “US, EU Draft To Amend India’s Trips Waiver Proposal Shows West Hypocrisy at Its Best,” The Print (March 24, 2022).
- “Pfizer Inks Deal With UNICEF to Supply COVID Pill to Poor Countries, but Advocates Say It Isn’t Enough,” STAT (March 22, 2022).
- “New “Compromise” on an IP Waiver for Covid Vaccines Is Worse Than No Deal, Activists Say,” In These Times (March 16, 2022).
- “The Quad TRIPS Waiver Text is not a Compromise; It is an Abomination,” Health GAP (March 16, 2022).
- “A Compromise Is Reached on an Intellectual Property Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines, but Does It Go Far Enough?,” STAT News (March 15, 2022).
- “COVID Inequity: In Africa, At-home Tests Are Scarce, Costly,”Associated Press (February 3, 2022).
- “COVID Testing Equity: A Reflection Based on 1.5 Years in the ACT-Accelerator,” PLOS Blog (January 24, 2022).
- “What Would It Take To Vaccinate the World Against COVID-19?,” Northeastern News (September 9, 2021).
- “Access-to-Medicines Activists Demand Health Justice During COVID-19 Pandemic,” Bill of Health Blog (August 12, 2021).
- “Experts Question Video of Deputy Who Purportedly “Almost Died” From Substance Said To Be Fentanyl,” CBS News (August 10, 2021).
- Video: “Who Owns the Rights to COVID Vaccines?,” Al Jazeera’s Inside Story (July 28, 2021),
- “Inching Towards Immunity,” Northeastern Law Magazine (July, 2021)
- “A U.N. Declaration on Ending AIDS Should Have Been Easy. It Wasn’t,” The New York Times (June 8, 2021).
- “Is European Union on Collision Course With European Parliament on COVID IP Waiver?,” Health Policy Watch (August 6, 2021).
- “EU Pushes Rival Plan to COVID-19 Vaccine Ip Waiver, but Some Deride It as ‘Meaningless’,” Health Policy Watch (June 4, 2021).
- “The Impracticality of Relying on Compulsory Licenses to Expand Production Capacity for COVID-19 Vaccines,” infojustice (June 6, 2021).
- “Have Covid-19 Deaths Been Undercounted? New Reports Say ‘Yes’ and Here’s Why It Matters,” Northeastern News (May 24, 2021).
- “How Bill Gates Impeded Global Access to Covid Vaccines,” The New Republic (April 12, 2021).
- “Dummy’s Guide to How Trade Rules Affect Access to COVID-19 Vaccines,” The Conversation (January 9, 2021).
- “What Will It Take To End The COVID-19 Pandemic?,” NPR (January 5, 2021).
- “Federal Agency Reports NIH Doesn’t Consider Drug Affordability,” Legal Reader (December 16, 2020).
- “COVID-19 Diagnostics: The Full Picture,” Geneva Health Files (October 1, 2020).
- “How Secret Deals Could Keep a COVID-19 Drug Out of Reach for Millions,” Los Angeles Times (July 1, 2020).
- “In Addition to Outrageous Prices and Preferential Supply to the US only, Gilead’s Allowance for Compulsory Licenses in its Remdesivir License Needlessly Limits Supply,” Health GAP (June 11, 2020).
- “US-, China- and EU-First Nationalism and COVID-19 Technology Hoarding Push the Rest of the World to the End of the Line,” Health GAP (June 11, 2020).
- “Op-ed: President Ramaphosa Should Support the COVID-19 IP Pool,” Spotlight (May 25, 2020).
- “Gilead Remdesivir Licenses: Half Measures Are Not Nearly Good Enough,” Health GAP (May 13, 2020).
- “Without a Global Approach to Deadly Inequities in Access to Possible COVID-19 Treatments and Vaccines, Legislative “Fixes” Won’t Make us Safer,” Health GAP (May 8, 2020).
- “COVID-19: The Time for Pocrastination Over Patents is Over,” Spotlight (April 20, 2020).
- “Should Pharmaceutical Companies Give up Their Patent Protections to Find a Vaccine for COVID-19?,” news@Northeastern (April 15, 2020).
- “Expect a Wave of Pro-IP Proposals from Industry in the Wake of the COVID-19,” Health Gap (April 3, 2020).
- “Uganda: Activists Demand Access to Potential Covid-19 Drug,” Erasing 76 Crimes (March 31, 2020).
- “Drug Companies are Running Scared – Let’s Make Them Run Faster,” infojustice (March 30, 2020).
- “Pressure Mounts to Widen Access to Medical Products That May Combat COVID-19,” Pharmalot (March 27, 2020).
- “European Parliament Members Urge Open Licensing For COVID-19 Products Financed Through EU Grants,” Health Policy Watch (March 27, 2020).
- “Rationale for Supporting Costa Rica’s Proposal for Emergency COVID-19 Technology IP Pool for All Countries,” Health GAP (March 25, 2020).
- “AbbVie will Allow Generic Copies of its HIV Pill in Israel After the Government Approved a License, ” STAT (March 20, 2020).
- “Generic Licensing: the Only Path Through the Maze of Gilead and U.S. Patents that Achieves Access to Affordable PrEP,” Health GAP (November 20, 2019).