Wendy E. Parmet
Matthews Distinguished University Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Center for Health Policy and Law; Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs
Harvard University, JD 1982
Professor Parmet, a leading expert on public health law, health law and disability law, directs the law school’s Center for Health Policy and Law. She also holds a joint appointment with Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs in recognition of her national leadership in interdisciplinary thinking and problem solving on issues related to public health. In addition, she is co-editor of the law school’s SSRN online publications, Human Rights and the Global Economy and the Northeastern University School of Law Public Law and Legal Theory Paper Series. In 2016, Professor Parmet was honored with the prestigious Jay Healey Teaching Award by the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (ASLME) at its annual conference. In 2022, the American Public Health Association (APHA) Law Section selected her for its Lifetime Achievement in Public Health Law Award. In 2024, Professor Parmet was ranked No. 7 among the top 10 most-cited health law faculty in the nation.
Professor Parmet has published articles on public health, bioethics, discrimination, health law and AIDS law. She is author of Constitutional Contagion: Covid, the Courts and Public Health (Cambridge University Press, 2023) and Populations, Public Health, and the Law (Georgetown University Press, 2009); co-author of The Health of Newcomers: Immigration, Health Policy, and the Case for Global Solidarity (NYU Press, 2017) and Ethical Health Care (Prentice Hall, 2005); and co-editor of Debates on U.S. Health Care (Sage Press, 2012).
Professor Parmet clerked with Chief Judge Levin H. Campbell of the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit and practiced with a large law firm prior to joining the Northeastern faculty. She is the associate editor for law and ethics for the American Journal of Public Health. She previously served as a member of the boards of directors (and a past president of the board) of Health Law Advocates and Health Care for All and was a member of the ABA’s AIDS Coordinating Committee and Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law.
In 1998, Professor Parmet acted as co-counsel in Bragdon v. Abbott, the first AIDS/HIV case to come before the US Supreme Court under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Professor Parmet’s client, Sidney Abbott, had been refused treatment by her dentist when she revealed her HIV-positive status, although she was asymptomatic. The high court said that because she was infected with HIV, she was entitled to the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2012 Professor Parmet was lead counsel in Finch v. Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, in which the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court found that a state law denying state subsidized health insurance to legal immigrants was unconstitutional.
Fields of Expertise
- Bioethics
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Disability Law
- First Amendment
- Health Law and Policy
- Medical Issues
- Public Health Law and Policy
- Torts
Selected Works
- Constitutional Contagion: Covid, the Courts and Public Health (Cambridge University Press, 2023).
- The Health of Newcomers: Immigration, Health Policy, and the Case for Global Solidarity (NYU Press, 2017) (co-author).
- Debates on U.S. Health Care (Sage Press, 2012) (co-editor).
- Populations, Public Health, and the Law (Georgetown University Press, 2009).
- Ethical Health Care (Prentice Hall, 2006) (co-author).
- “From Deference to Indifference: Judicial Review of the Scope of Public Health Authority During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” (forthcoming).
- “Understanding the Post-Dobbs Landscape for Abortion Care in the United States,” 114 American Journal of Public Health 994 2024 (co-author).
- “Judicial Decisions Constraining Public Health Powers During COVID-19: Implications For Public Health Policy Making,” Health Affairs (2024) (co-author).
- “Déjà Vu All Over Again — Refusing to Learn the Lessons of Covid-19,” The New England Journal of Medicine (July 23, 2024) (co-author).
- “Accommodating Religious Objections to Vaccination Mandates—Implications of Groff v DeJoy for Health Care Employers,” JAMA Health Forum (September 7, 2023) (co-author).
- “Addressing the Need for Accountability in Public Health,” 113 American Journal of Public Health 620 (2023) (co-author).
- “Holding Clinicians in Public Office Accountable to Professional Standards,” 25 American Medical Association Journal of Ethics 194 (2023) (co-author).
- “Judicial Review of Public Health Powers Since the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Trends and Implications,” 113 American Journal of Public Health 280 (2023) (co-author).
- “The Challenges to Public Health Law in the Aftermath of COVID-19,” 113 American Journal of Public Health 267 (2023) (co-author).
- “The Legacy of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Childhood Vaccination in the USA,” 401 The Lancet 75 (2023) (co-author).
- “Government Speech, Distorted Science, and the First Amendment,” 2022 University of Illinois Law Review 1809 (2022) (co-author).
- “The US Supreme Court’s Rulings on Large Business and Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandates: Ramifications for the COVID-19 Response and the Future of Public Health Protection,” Journal of the American Medical Association (January 21, 2022) (co-author).
- “U.S. Public Health Law — Foundations and Emerging Shifts,” 386 The New England Journal of Medicine 805 (2022) (co-author).
- “The Antiscience Supreme Court is Hurting the Health of Americans,” Scientific American (May 17, 2022).
- “Excluding Non-Citizens from the Social Safety Net Georgia,” 49 Journal of International and Comparative Law 525 (2021).
- “COVID-19: The Promise and Failure of Law in an Inequitable Nation,” 111 American Journal of Public Health 47 (2021) (co-author).
- “Employer-Mandated Vaccination for COVID-19,” 111 American Journal of Public Health 1061 (2021) (co-author).
- “From the Shadows: The Public Health Implications of the Supreme Court's Covid-Free Exercise Cases,” 49 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 564 (2021).
- “Public Health Law after Covid-19,” The New England Journal of Medicine (2021) (co-author).
- “Excluding Non-Citizens From The Social Safety Net,”49 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 525 (2021).
- “Public Health Originalism and the First Amendment,” 78 Washington & Lee Law Review 231 (2021) (co-author).
- “Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo – The Supreme Court and Pandemic Controls,” 384 The New England Journal of Medicine 199 (2020).
- “The COVID Cases: A Preliminary Assessment of Judicial Review of Public Health Powers During a Partisan and Polarized Pandemic,” 57 San Diego Law Review 999 (2020).
- “Health Policy in the Supreme Court and a New Conservative Majority,” 324 Journal of the American Medical Association 2157 (2020) (co-author).
- “Rediscovering Jacobson in the Era of COVID-19,” 100 Boston University Law Review Online 117 (2020).
- “Immigration Law as a Social Determinant of Health,” 92 Temple Law Review 931 (Summer 2020).
- “The Plenary Power Meets the Police Power: Federalism at the Intersection of Health & Immigration,” 45 American Journal of Law & Medicine 224 (2019).
- “The Worst of Health: Law and Policy at the Intersection of Health and Immigration,” 16 Indiana Health Law Review 211 (2019).
- “The Role of Advocacy in Public Health Law,” The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 15 (2019) (co-author).
- “Public Health Law & Policy Implications: Justice Kavanaugh,” 47 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (forthcoming 2019) (co-author).
- “Quarantining the Law of Quarantine: Why Quarantine Law Does not Reflect Contemporary Constitutional Law,” 9 Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy 1 (forthcoming 2019).
- “Public Health and Health Care: Integration, Disintegration, or Eclipse,” 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 940 (2019) (co-author).
- “Commentary: Beyond Employer-Mandates: Improving Influenza Vaccination Rates among Health Care Workers, ” 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 763 (2018).
- “The Supreme Court’s Crisis Pregnancy Center Case – Implications for Health Law,” 379 The New England Journal of Medicine 1489 (2018) (co-author).
- “The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Not – Introduction to the Special Section,” 108 American Journal of Public Health 1435 (2018) (co-author).
- “Free Speech and Public Health: Unraveling the Commercial-Professional Speech Paradox,” 78 The Ohio State Law Journal 887 (2017) (co-author).
- "Physicians, Firearms, and Free Speech — Overturning Florida’s Firearm-Safety Gag Rule," 10 New England Journal of Medicine 1056 (2017) (co-author).
- "Federal Powers to Control Communicable Conditions: Call for Reforms to Assure National Preparedness and Promote Global Security," 15 Health Security 1 (2017) (co-author).
- "Health: Policy or Law? A Population-Based Analysis of the Supreme Court’s ACA Cases,” 41 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 1061 (2016).
- “Paternalism, Self-Governance, and Public Health: The Case of E-Cigarettes,” 70 University of Miami Law Review 879 (2016).
- “The Perils of Panic: Ebola, HIV, and the Intersection of Global Health and Law,” 42 American Journal of Law and Medicine 223 (2016) (co-author).
- “Wollschlaeger v. Governor of Florida — The First Amendment, Physician Speech, and Firearm Safety,” 374 New England Journal of Medicine 2304 (2016) (co-author).
- “A Panic Foretold: Ebola in the United States,” Critical Public Health (2016) (co-author).
- “Expanding Coercive Treatment Is The Wrong Solution For The Opioid Crisis,” HealthAffairsBlog (February 11, 2016).
- “Shifting Vaccination Politics — The End of Personal-Belief Exemptions in California,” 373 The New England Journal of Medicinei 785 (2015).
- “Adventures in Nannydom: Reclaiming Collective Action for the Public’s Health,” 43 The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 73 (2015) (co-author).
- “The Courts and Public Health: Caught in a Pincer Movement,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 104 (2014).
- “Defending Public Health Regulations: The Message is the Medium,” Hastings Center Report, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2014).
- “Holes in the Safety Net - Legal Immigrants' Access to Health Insurance,” The New England Journal of Medicine (August 21, 2013).
- “Valuing the Unidentified: The Potential of Public Health Law,” 53 Jurimetrics 255 (2013).
- “Beyond Externships: Health Law Co-ops,” 9 Indiana Health Law Review 401 (2012).
- “Solidarity for Global Health,” 26 Bioethics 11 (2012) (co-author).
- “Debates on U.S. Health Care,” Sage Reference (September 2012) (co-editor).
- “Restoring Legal Immigrants' State Health Insurance- the Finch Case,” 7 Boston Health Law Reporter 6 (2012).
- “The Individual Mandate: Implications for Public Health,” 39 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 401 (2011).
- “ 4 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 113 (2011).
- Pandemic Vaccines – The Legal Landscape,” 362 New England Journal of Medicine 1949 (2010).
- “Litigation Amidst Reform – The Boston Medical Center Case,” 361 New England Journal of Medicine 1819 (2009).
- “J.S. Mill and the American Law of Quarantine,” 1 Public Health Ethics 210 (2008).
- “Perspective: Isolation and Quarantine in the Case of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis,” 357 New England Journal of Medicine 433 (2007).
- “A New Era of Unapproved Drugs: The Case of Abigail Alliance v. Von Eschenbach,” 297 Journal of the American Medical Association 205 (2006) (co-author).
- “Unprepared: Why Health Law Fails to Prepare Us for a Pandemic,” 2 Journal of Health & Biomedical Law 157 (2007).
- “Public Health and the Constitutional Law: Recognizing the Relationship,” 10 Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 13 (2007).
- “Informed Consent and Public Health: Are They Compatible When It Comes to Vaccines,” 8 Journal of Health Care Law & Policy 71 (2005).
- “Quarantine Redux: Bioterrorism, AIDS and the Curtailment of Individual Liberty in the Name of Public Health,” 13 Health Matrix 85 (2003).
- “After September 11: Rethinking Public Health Federalism,” 30 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 201 (2002).
- “A Rightful Place for Public Health in American Law,” 30 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 302 (2002) (co-author).
- “The Imperial Sovereign: Sovereign Immunity and the ADA,” 35 Michigan Journal of Law Reform 1 (2001-2002) (co-author).
- “Tobacco, HIV and the Courtroom: The Role of Affirmative Litigation in the Formation of Public Health Policy,” 36 Houston Law Review 101 (1999).
- “Health Care and the Constitution: Public Health and the Role of the State in the Framing Era,” 20 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 267 (1993).
- “Post-Truth Won’t Set Us Free: Health Law, Patient Autonomy, and the Rise of the Infodemic.” In COVID-19 and the Law Disruption, Impact and Legacy,” ed. I.G. Cohen et al. (Cambridge University Press, 2023) (co-author).
- “The Ethics and Justice of Recognizing Migrants’ Right to Health.” In Migration and Health, eds. S. Galea, C.K. Ettman and M.H. Zaman (University of Chicago Press, 2022).
- “Communicable Disease Law in the United States.” In Oxford Comparative Handbook of Health Law, eds. D. Orentlicher and T. Harvey (Oxford, 2022).
- “US Law Relating to Noncommunicable Diseases.” In Oxford Comparative Handbook of Health Law, eds. D. Orentlicher and T. Harvey (Oxford, 2022).
- “Social Determinants in the United States.” In Oxford Comparative Handbook of Health Law, eds. D. Orentlicher and T. Harvey (Oxford, 2022).
- “Social Determinants, Health Disparities and the Role of Law.” In Poverty, Health and Law: Readings and Cases on Medical Legal Partnerships, ed. E. Tyler et al. (Carolina Academic Press, 2011) (co-author).
- “Beyond Privacy: A Population Approach to Reproductive Rights.” In Social Issues, Welfare Consequences and Public Health Law, ed. J. Culhane (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
- “Pharmaceuticals, Public Health, and the Law: A Public Health Perspective.” In The Power of Pills, ed. J. Cohen et al. (London, 2006).
- “What Trump's Victory Could Mean for the Future of Abortion Rights,” NBC News (November 7, 2024).
- “Pack Your Bags” RFK Jr. Tells FDA. His War on Public Health Under Trump Would Only Accelerate,”Salon (November 8, 2024)
- “RFK Jr. Could ‘Grind’ Vaccine Development ‘to a Halt,’ Public Health Experts Warn,” NOTUS (November 8, 2024).
- “Wendy Parmet Became a Public Health Giant. In True Northeastern Fashion, It Started With a Co-op,” Northeastern Global News (July 23, 2024).
- “Loper Bright and the Death of Deference in the Administration of Health Policy,” Health Affairs (July 18, 2024).
- “What Can Trump do About Vaccines? More Than You Might Think,” Politico (June 9, 2024).
- “The (Un?)intended Consequences Of COVID-19-Era Judicial Decisions And New Public Health-Related Laws,” Health Affairs (May 23, 2024).
- “Abortion Pill Cases Test Whether FDA Rules Preempt State Limits,” Bloomberg Law (May 7, 2024).
- “How Should Social Media Companies Be Regulated? Oral Arguments in Texas, Florida Cases Rehash Theories, Draw New Battle Lines,”Northeastern Global News (February 27, 2024).
- “Florida Policy Set Amid Measles Outbreak Alarms Vaccination Proponents,” STAT, (February 22, 2024).
- “Hospitals Deny Immunocompromised Patients’ ADA Requests For Masks,” Forbes (February 13, 2024).
- “Should Doctors Who Are Public Officials Have th e Right To Spread Medical Misinformation to the General Public?,” Northeastern Global News (January 26, 2024).
- “Covid, Year Four,” The Nation (January 25, 2024).
- “Experts Refute Claims That Israelis Get Free US Medical Treatment,” AFP Factcheck (January 16, 2024).
- “Abortion Pill Advance Orders Face Risky Future in Court Battle,” Bloomberg Law (January 4, 2024).
- “Does the First Amendment Protect Doctors Who Spread COVID-19 Misinformation?,” First Amendment Watch (December 20, 2024).
- “The Supreme Court Is Taking up the Abortion Pill. Here’s One Way the Justices Could Rule on Access,” Northeastern Global News (December 13, 2023).
- ‘Medical Freedom’ Activists Take Aim at New Target: Childhood Vaccine Mandates,” The New York Times (December 3, 2023).
- “Is the Health of the People Part of the Inner Morality of Law?,” Jotwell (November 8, 2023).
- “When Religious Ideology and Public Health Collide – We All Lose!,” Sidebar Podcast (November 7, 2023).
- “Context Matters: Affirmative Action, Public Health, and the Use of Population-Level Data,” Petrie Flom Blog (October 4, 2023).
- “COVID-19 Lockdowns Returning? Here’s Why Public Health Experts Say That’s Unlikely,” PolitiFact (September 8, 2023).
- “Will the Courts Take Away the Fda-Approved Over-The-Counter Birth Control Pill?,” Northeastern Global News (July 13, 2023).
- “Covid’s Remote Work Experience Is Slowly Changing Disability Law,” Bloomberg Law (July 6, 2023).
- “The Verdict Is In: Northeastern Program Helps Judges Better Understand the Forces That Affect People’s Health,”
- Northeastern Global News (June 29, 2023).
- “In Constitutional Contagion: COVID, the Courts, and Public Health, Professor Wendy E. Parmet Argues Reform is Critical Before the Next Pandemic Strikes,” Northeastern Law News Announcement (June 1, 2023).
- “Abortion Pill Order Threatens FDA’s Power Over Drug Safety,” Bloomberg Law (April 14, 2023).
- “Supreme Court’s Abortion Pill Call Leaves FDA in Line of Fire,” Bloomberg Law (April 22, 2023).
- “COVID Battle Lines Moving From Emergency Room to Courtroom,” Politico (April 9, 2023).
- “Should Biden Ignore a Texas Judge’s Ruling on the Abortion Pill?,” Northeastern Global News (April 10, 2023).
- “Obamacare Court Decision Hits Hardest for Low-Income Americans,” Bloomberg Law (March 31, 2023).
- “Desantis Is Championing Medical Freedom. GOP State Lawmakers Like What They See,” Politico (March 1, 2023).
- “Abortion Pill Court Docket Delay Concerns Legal Advocates,” Bloomberg Law (March 13, 2023).
- “What if the Next Pandemic Happened Tomorrow?,” The New York Times (March 12, 2023).
- “COVID Backlash Hobbles Public Health and Future Pandemic Response,” The Washington Post (March 8, 2023).
- “How Public Health Officials Got Figuratively Handcuffed,” The Washington Post (March 8, 2023).
- “Biden Toughens Abortion Rights Support, but Access Falls Short,” Bloomberg Law (January 24, 2023).
- “Abortion Lawsuits Place Federal Drug Authority in the Crosshairs,” National Journal.
- “Reclaiming Salus Populi,” Petrie Flom Blog (February 13, 2023).
- “Abortion Pill Opponents Seize New Chance to Target FDA Approval,” Bloomberg Law (November 23, 2022).
- “Biden Extends Covid Public Health Emergency While States Move On,” Bloomberg Law (November 14, 2022).
- “Will We Be Able to Count Abortions After the Dobbs Decision?,” News@Northeastern (October 4, 2022).
- “Georgia’s Heartbeat Abortion Ban Tests FDA Limits on Pill Access,” Bloomberg Law (July 22, 2022).
- “‘A Slippery Slope’: Pfizer Sells a Contraceptive and Donated To Political Groups That Could Come After the Company,” STAT News (July 1, 2022).
- “Chasm Opens Between States Over Abortion Pills and Out-of-State Care,” The Washington Post (June 25, 2022).
- “Garland Signals Brewing Battle With GOP-Led States Over Access to Abortion Pills,” NBC News (June 24, 2022).
- “Abortion Pill Lawsuit Offers Guide to Challenging State Limits,” Bloomberg Law (May 26, 2022).
- “Vague ‘Medical Emergency’ Exceptions in Abortion Laws Leave Pregnant People in Danger, Doctors Say,” STAT News (May 20, 2022).
- “Abortion Foes Push to Narrow ‘Life of Mother’ Exceptions,” The Washington Post (May 13, 2022).
- “Getting Abortion Pills by Mail Is Already More Complicated Than It Might Seem,” NBC News (May 12, 2022).
- “Who Should Decide the Nation’s Pandemic Response?,” Bloomberg Law (May 12, 2022).
- “‘It’s a Tsunami’: Legal Challenges Threatening Public Health Policy,” Politico (May 10, 2022).
- “Post-Roe, Could States Outlaw Abortion Pills?” News@Northeastern (May, 6, 2022).
- “Are We Out of the Pandemic Phase of COVID-19?,” News@Northeastern (May 5, 2022).
- “Contraception Could Come Under Fire Next if Roe v Wade Is Overturned” The Guardian (May 3, 2022).
- “Covid Travel Mask Ruling Threatens to Tie CDC’s Hands on Future Pandemics,” The Financial Times (April 20, 2022).
- “COVID Revealed the Fragility of American Public Health,” Scientific American (March 22, 2022).
- “A Dangerous Legal Battle Over Vaccine Mandates Will Continue,” The New York Times (October 31, 2021).
- “We’ve Entered a New Era in the Legal Battles of COVID-19,” The Atlantic (September 1, 2021).
- “Could Joe Biden Challenge Florida, Texas on Mask Policies? Probably Not,” PolitiFact (August 10, 2021).
- “House Democrats Push For Vaccine-Or-Test Mandate For Members And Staff,” Forbes (August 4, 2021).
- “Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines in Schools a Political Gamble for States,” The National Journal (June 20, 2021).
- “What do the New CDC Mask Guidelines Mean?,” Northeastern News (May 14, 2021).
- ‘The CDC guidance is not law’: Legal expert weighs in on future of mask mandates in private spaces,” Boston 25 News (May 13, 2021).
- “Conservative Courts Say They Can’t Set Health Policy — And Then They Do It Anyway,” The Washington Post (April 12, 2021).
- “In the Age of Coronavirus, Restrictive Immigration Policies Pose a Serious Public Health Threat,” Health Affairs Blog (April 18, 2020).
- “Social Justice in COVID-19 Response: The Legal Issues We Have to Talk About,” Public Health Law Watch (April 13, 2020).
- “Fighting Coronavirus Means Relying on the Truth -- Not Political Fiction,” The Hartford Courant (February 23, 2020).
- “Why We Should Be Wary of an Aggressive Government Response to Coronavirus,” The Washington Post (February 3, 2020).
- “What Deporting Sick Immigrants Says About America,” Cognoscenti (September 4, 2019).
- “The Trump Administration’s New Public Charge Rule: Implications For Health Care & Public Health,” Health Affairs (August 13, 2019).
- “The Problems of Living in a Post-Truth World,”Hartford Courant (June 6, 2019).
- “New York Suburb Declares Measles Emergency, Barring Unvaccinated Children From Public,” The New York Times (March 26, 2019).
- “New York County, Declaring Emergency Over Measles, Seeks to Ban Unvaccinated From Public Places,”STAT (March 26, 2019).
- “Gottlieb’s Threat of Federal Vaccine Mandates: Questionable Legality, Poor Policy,” STAT (February 28, 2019).
- “Democrats Overstate Kavanaugh’s Writings on the Affordable Care Act,” The New York Times (July 12, 2018).
- “New Dangers For Immigrants And The Health Care System,” HealthAffairs Blog (April 18, 2018).
- “Immigration And Health Care Under The Trump Administration,” HealthAffairs Blog (January 18, 2018).
- “Repeal and Replace… but with What?," WBZ NewsRadio 1030 (June 19, 2017).
- "Understanding the Complex Issue of Healthcare Reform," news@Northeastern (March 17, 2017).
- "Why the C.D.C.’s Power to Quarantine Should Worry Us," The New York Times (January 23, 2017) (co-author).
- “Kalter: Obamacare Likely to Face Long, Gradual Revamp Under Trump,” Boston Herald (November 20, 2016).
- “Law Professor Wins Prestigious Teaching Award,” news@Northeastern (June 7, 2016).
- Podcast: “The Week in Health Law,”Bill of Health (April 8, 2016).
- “SCOTUS Nomination: The Legal and Political Landscape Ahead,” news@Northeastern (March 17, 2016).
- “The Curious Case Of The Docs Versus The Glocks: Firearms, The First Amendment, And Physician Speech,”HealthAffairs Blog (March 9, 2016).
- “Ebola Crisis Passes, but Questions on Quarantines Persist,” The New York Times (December 2, 2015).
- “Trade, Health, And Tobacco Exceptionalism: The TPP Tobacco Carve-Out,”HealthAffairs Blog (November 10, 2015).
- “What California’s Strict New Vaccination Law Means for the Rest of the Country,” Yahoo! Health (July 1, 2015).
- “3Qs: Supreme Court upholds healthcare law for second time,” news@Northeastern (June 26, 2015).
- “Reaction Pours in on Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision,” New England Cable News (June 25, 2015).
- “Obamacare: Massachusetts Provides SCOTUS The Basis For Upholding Law It Inspired,” WGBH News (June 25, 2015).
- “No Jab, No Pay: Australia’s Misguided Approach to Vaccine Refusal,” Bill of HealthBlog (April 25, 2015).
- “In Regulating E-Cigarettes, No Easy Fix For The FDA,” HealthAffairsBlog (February 20, 2015).
- “Vaccine Mandates: Second Circuit Reaffirms their Constitutionality,” Bill of Health (February 3, 2015).
- “Judge in Maine Eases Restrictions on Nurse,” The New York Times (October 32, 2014).
- “Federal Actions Reflect Limited Role in Quarantine,” The Boston Globe (October 31, 2014).
- “Ebola Goes to Court,” Slate.com (October 30, 2014).
- “Quarantines Rarely Used, Effectiveness Questioned,” The Wall Street Journal (October 30, 2014).
- Video Interview: “Ebola Outbreak: The Ethics of Mandatory Quarantines,” Greater Boston, WGBH (October 27, 2014).
- “The Flu, TB and Now Ebola: A Rare Legal Remeday Returns,” The New York Times (October 26, 2014).
- “3Qs: Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision,” news@Northeastern (July 1, 2014).
Wendy E. Parmet
Matthews Distinguished University Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Center for Health Policy and Law; Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs