Northeastern Law Celebrates Record-Breaking Incoming Class

Northeastern Law Celebrates Record-Breaking Incoming Class

10.05.24 — Northeastern University School of Law is delighted to welcome the fall 2024 incoming class of JD and FlexJD students, which boasts the strongest academic profile in the school’s history. The median LSAT for the class is 163 and the median GPA is 3.73. While these numbers are remarkable, the school was particularly inspired by this class's diverse range of talents, life experiences and their shared commitment to using the law as a tool for creating a more just and equitable world.

This is a diverse class: 30 percent identify as people of color, 69 percent are women and 29 percent identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. The average age is 25, with students in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. While many have ties to Massachusetts, as a group they represent 36 of the 50 states, five different countries and the District of Columbia.

The students are well connected to the global community, having worked, volunteered and studied around the globe in many nations, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Wales. Among this group, there are more than 23 different languages spoken.

The first-year students attended more than 133 different undergraduate institutions with more than 71 different majors, and 38 have already earned master’s or doctorate-level graduate degrees. Approximately 79 percent have been out of college for at least one year. Some have already worked inside the world of the law with district attorneys and public defenders, judges and at law firms of every size as legal assistants, interns, clerks and paralegals.

Others have worked in sales, healthcare, public relations, scientific research and social services. Among the class members are clinicians, coaches, coders, cooks, engineers, entrepreneurs, investigators, researchers and writers. We also welcome a pilot and flight instructor; independent album creator; competitive bagpipe player; an internationally ranked competitive combat juggler; and the first female to be a part of the Oklahoma City Thunder Drummers line.

Many have already committed to social justice and public service, working in the military and for national service organizations, including City Year and AmeriCorps. They have also given their time and talents to such worthy causes as the ACLU, Big Brothers Big Sisters, crisis centers, assisted-living facilities, shelter homes, food banks, Habitat for Humanity, humane societies, Planned Parenthood, prison reform initiatives, the Red Cross, Relay for Life and the Volunteer Lawyers Project.

About Northeastern University School of Law

The nation’s leader in experiential legal education since 1968, Northeastern University School of Law offers the longest-running, most extensive experience-based legal education program in the country. Northeastern guarantees its students unparalleled practical legal work experiences through its signature Cooperative Legal Education Program. More than 1,100 employers worldwide in a wide range of legal, government, nonprofit and business organizations participate in the program. With a focus on social justice and innovation, Northeastern University School of Law blends theory and practice, providing students with a unique set of skills and experiences to successfully practice law.

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