Salus Populi Project Launches New Website

he Center for Health Policy and Law’s Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded project, Salus Populi: Educating the Judiciary About the Social Determinants of Health, launched a website,, which is a resource for judges and attorneys who are interested in learning more about how judges can impact health.

Kresge Foundation Awards $250,000 Grant to NuLawLab

The Kresge Foundation has awarded a renewal grant of $250,000 to Northeastern University School of Law’s NuLawLab to provide ongoing support for Stable Ground, a collaboration among three organizations: NuLawLab, which leads the project and has engaged arts-based disciplines since 2013 to imagine and realize new models of legal empowerment; the City of Boston’s Office of Housing Stability, which works to prevent displacement and promote housing preservation and stabilization; and Violence Transformed, which fosters creative action to overcome violence and extends trauma-informed training to community-based groups.

Grigsby ’15 Authors New Book on Healthcare Reform

S. Mayumi “Umi” Grigsby is the author of a new book titled, Empowered: Reforming a Dismissive Health Care System, that addresses the dangerous impact negative interactions with healthcare providers and the healthcare system can have on black women and their health.