Alumni/ae Association

Founded in 1974, the Alumni/ae Association exists to increase the number of actively engaged School of Law alumni/ae, to provide opportunities for graduates to interact and maintain relations with each other and the general School of Law community and to promote the public image and well-being of the School of Law.

The Alumni/ae Association board of directors consists of approximately 30 graduates who serve three-year terms. From time to time, one or more current Northeastern Law students are appointed to serve as student representatives to the board.

Board of Directors Meeting Schedule, 2024-2025
All meetings begin at 5:45 p.m. and will be held in person unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (Library Sunroom)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 (Virtual)
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tuesday, June 3, 2025

If you would like to nominate an alumni/ae for a position on the Alumni/ae Association Board of Directors please click here to access a  nomination form. Completed forms should be emailed to for the Nominating Committee’s consideration.

Executive Officers of the Board of Directors, 2024-2025
Raquel Webster ’03
National Grid
Lennox Chase ’98
Vice President
Chase Legal Services
John Lanza ’95
Foley & Gardner
Andrea Zoia ’12
Morgan Brown & Joy


Members of the Board of Directors, 2024-2025
Rev. Willie Bodrick II ’20 Shahria Boston ’07
Judge Cathleen Campbell ’92 Neema Chaiban ’14
Michael Darling ’13 Lee Darst ’91
Michelle De Oliveira ’12 Deepa Desai ’16
Katie Garrett ’04 Marc LaCasse ’88
Desiree Murphy ’13 Joshua Nadreau ’13
Emily Gray Rice ’84 Joel Rosen ’94
Dylan Sanders ’95 Sumit Sachdeo LLM ’21
Geoffrey Spofford ’89 Stephanie Swanson ’12
Soudie Tahmassebipour ’99 Tiffany Williams Brewer ’09
Michael Xavier ’99

  • Jeff Dretler ’91
    Joseph McConnell ’93
    Stephanie Swanson ‘12

  • Hon. Joseph Ford ’38, President 1961-1962 (Deceased)
    John J. Doyle, Jr. ’38, President 1964-1965 (Deceased)
    Walter F. Henneberry ’27, President 1965-1968 (Deceased)
    Frances V. Matera ’38, President 1974-1975 (Deceased)
    Thomas E. Cargill, Jr. ’48, President 1976-1977
    Katherine S. McHugh ’74, President 1979-1981
    Hon. Joseph A. Furnari ’51, President 1981-1983
    Burton M. Pike ’53, President 1983-1984
    Barbara Hayes Buell ’71, President 1984-1986
    Kevin F. O'Donnell ’73, President 1986-1987
    Joseph D. Feaster, Jr. ’75, President 1987-1988
    Hon. Carol S. Ball ’76, President 1988-1989
    Anthony P. Sullivan ’79, President 1989-1990
    Elizabeth A. Rodgers ’76, President 1990-1991
    Irene Dwyer Emerson ’73, President 1991-1992
    Freya S. Bernstein ’84, President 1992-1993
    Richard L. Edwards ’80 , President 1993-1994
    Howard I. Wilgoren ’79, President 1994-1995
    Robert J. Waddick ’88, President 1995-1996
    E. Selena Samm ’90, President 1996-1997
    Susan M. Goldfischer ’84, President 1997-1998
    Adam J. Nussenbaum ’83, President 1998-1999
    William "Mo" Cowan ’94, President 1999-2000
    Hon. Carolyn N. Fischel ’76, President 2000-2001
    Joseph B. Lichtblau ’89, President 2001-2002
    Tamara L. Pierce McClinton ’95, President 2002-2003
    Daniel W. Finegold ’96, President 2003-2004
    Daniel J. Jackson ’97, President 2004-2005
    Romeo G. Camba ’94, President 2005-2006
    Ann Ackil ’91, President 2006-2007
    Holly Parks ’00, President 2007-2008 (Deceased)
    Joshua Abrams ’97, President 2008-2009
    Sarah Chambers ’83, President 2009-2010
    Joseph Callanan ’00, President 2010-2011
    Sheilah McCarthy ’91, President 2011-2013
    Eve Strother ’00, President 2013-2014
    Sara Laroche ’01, President 2014-2015
    Mike Sams ’94, President 2015-2016
    Sofia Lingos ’09, President 2016-2017
    Ron Ruth ’80, President 2017-2018
    Joe McConnell ’93, President 2018-2019
    Stephanie Swanson ’12, President 2019-2020
    Jeff Dretler ’91, President 2020-2021
    Katie Garrett '04, President 2021-2022
    Joshua Nadreau ’13, President 2022-2023
    Barry Bisson ’13, President 2023-2024