First-Year Curriculum

First-Year Curriculum

The first year of law school will launch your legal career. You’ll take series of required courses — often referred to as podium courses — and you will begin to think and write like a lawyer. As you delve into legal cases and explore precedents, you will develop critical analytical skills and when you start saying, “I have three points to make,” you’ll know you have found your niche as a future lawyer and changemaker.

First-Year Courses

Please note that students take LAW6160 and LAW6165 in the fall and spring terms for a combined total of 8 credits.

  • (LAW 6100) Civil Procedure

    5 Credits

  • (LAW 6101) Constitutional Law

    4 Credits

  • (LAW 6102) Contracts

    5 Credits

  • (LAW 6103) Criminal Justice

    4 Credits

  • (LAW 6105) Property

    4 Credits

  • (LAW 6106) Torts

    4 Credits

  • (LAW 6160) Legal Skills in Social Context

    2 Credits

  • (LAW 6165) LSSC: Legal Research and Writing Component

    2 Credits

Pathways to Success

All Pathways