Our Students are Our Inspiration and Our Partners

CPIAC launched the NUSL Student Volunteers for Justice in the summer of 2020.

The project has provided law students with the opportunity to provide pro bono legal research and assistance to organizations such as the ACLU, Political Asylum Immigration Representation Project, Greater Boston Legal Services, Everyday Boston, the National Lawyers Guild and others. CPIAC continues to identify and connect students with timely volunteer opportunities in response to developing legal and other needs of social justice organizations in Greater Boston and beyond. If you’d like to learn about current volunteer opportunities, contact cpiac@northeastern.edu.

This program provides law students with the opportunity to provide pro bono legal research and assistance to organizations such as the ACLU, Political Asylum Immigration Representation Project, Greater Boston Legal Services, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, the National Lawyers Guild and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice, among others. Student volunteers handle a wide range of responsibilities, including meeting with immigrants being held in ICE detention facilities, conducting research and discovery, performing intake for hate incidents, harassment and intimidation and organizing trainings.

At Northeastern Law, EVERY course includes conversations about social justice. In particular, all first-year students are enrolled in the required Legal Skills in Social Context program, which students are introduced to the core skills of effective team lawyering and given an opportunity to put them into practice through an extensive legal research project on behalf of a public-service partner organization.
Other ways students are involved:

Students take the lead in serving clients and causes through our dynamic clinics: